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  1. 1
    flag Windows XP Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8

    How do I...?

    gravatar Comment by RailCityBlogger (http://www NULL.railcityblogger NULL.com):
    Tuesday, 7 Sep 2010, at 5:47:56 PM, 14 years, 5 months ago | # |

    How do I link "post A" to "post B" using "post B's" title?


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    1. 2
      flag Windows XP Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8
      gravatar Comment by Hikari:
      Tuesday, 7 Sep 2010, at 9:27:29 PM, 14 years, 5 months ago | # | replying RailCityBlogger |

      If, from inside postA, you wanna link postB using postB’s title, you can just use [hkLink type="id" value="754"]{{title}}[/hkLink], that will result in WordPress.




      But if you wanna link postB and use postA’s title as the link text, then unfortunately that can’t be done as the plugin works now. Each shortcode referes to a unique post and all its properties are related to that post, you can’t have a unique shortcode using postB’s URL as link href and postA’s title as link text.


      To do that 100% dinamically, you’d need a shortcode to print postB’s title as plain text and another shortcode to take that text and add it to a link. But WordPress’ shortcode parser doesn’t support nesting shortcodes of the same tag, it just breaks.


      It would be [hkLink type="id" value="754"][hkLink type="id" value="716" title_only="1"]{{title}}[/hkLink][/hkLink], but it doesn’t work: [hkLink type="id" value="716" title_only="1"]{{title}}[/hkLink].


      You can still use any static text for link text: [hkLink type="id" value="754"]My other post title[/hkLink], My other post title.

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      1. 3
        flag Windows XP Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8

        Thank you.

        gravatar Comment by RailCityBlogger (http://www NULL.railcityblogger NULL.com):
        Wednesday, 8 Sep 2010, at 2:40:21 AM, 14 years, 5 months ago | # | replying Hikari |


        Thank you for explaining that. I am new to this internal linking stuff and was getting frustrated. You have solved that and I appreciate it.


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  2. 4
    flag Windows XP Mozilla Firefox 3.6.10

    Thanks all

    gravatar Comment by makale:
    Wednesday, 13 Oct 2010, at 11:54:27 AM, 14 years, 4 months ago | # |


    i like this plug in


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  3. 5
    Windows Vista Internet Explorer 8.0
    gravatar Comment by Anonymous:
    Friday, 11 Feb 2011, at 11:27:56 PM, 13 years, 12 months ago | # |




    could you help me please?

    I am trying to make links for a map with clickable regions in http://www.virginads.co.uk/ (http://www NULL.virginads NULL.co NULL.uk/)    based on custom fields.

    Field values: South East,London,South West,East of England,Yorkshire and the Humberside,Wales,West Midlands,East Midlands,North West,North East,North Ireland,Other.

    Field name: Region

    Meta name: cp_state

    this is the code for 1 of the image links I have tried to us, but it doesn't work:

    <area shape="poly"
        [ hkLink type="slug" value="North Ireland"]my <em>North Ireland</em> page[/ hkLink]
        title="North Ireland"


    What am I doing wrong?


    Thank You in advance,


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    1. 6
      flag Windows Server 2003 Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13
      gravatar Comment by Hikari:
      Saturday, 12 Feb 2011, at 3:36:29 PM, 13 years, 12 months ago | # | replying Anonymous |

      Hello, very interesting your use! :D


      What the shortcode does is convert its string into a link, or an error if it fails to do so.


      What’s the output it’s generating? There are many situations you must verify.

      1. make sure any element with CSS class .wpdberror (class="wpdberror") is visible in your site
      2. see if do_shortcode() is hooked to a filter that runs in the content you’re doing it
      3. test the shortcode somewhere else and see if you get a different result there


      What final output do you get from that map? Since it’s also being generated dynamically, maybe its generator runs after ‘the_content’ filter runs, or after do_shortcode() filter executes, and then no shortcode is viewed and converted properly.



      In your site I see you have the map in a widget, is your site running shortcodes in widgets? WordPress doesn’t have this filter by default, you must add it.

      $filters = array('widget_text', 'comment_text', 'comment_excerpt', 'comment_text_rss');
      foreach( $filters as $filter ){
      	add_filter($filter, 'do_shortcode', 11); // AFTER wpautop()

      You can add it to a plugin or even to your theme’s functions.php. You can also try to put that map in a post and see if it works in this case.


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